Zen Yoga Studios, San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
One of the quickest ways for me to start feeling more alive is by facing my fears and taking on new challenges. I had always wanted to experience yoga but could never work up the courage to go to a class. What if I'm not in good enough shape and I can't do some of the poses? Is wearing spandex a requirement? I don't practice Buddhism and I feel a little uncomfortable with the "uhmms" at the end of a class.
I finally starting facing my fears and enrolled in a yoga class. At the beginning, I learned the basic poses and stretches and how to incorporate mindful breathing for a deeper, more holistic experience. After my first two classes, I became more flexible, developed better balance, and began running farther and faster.
My overall physical performance is improving by leaps and bounds each time I practice. I now recognize the little voice that had once kept me from testing the boundaries of my comfort zone. Most importantly, I am mastering how to silence that insecure voice.
I learned especially how to put things into perspective. While I was the beginner yogi back then, I see new people come into that position at every class. They learn, they practice and they grow. I know the strength it takes to come to an unfamiliar place and do something you don't quite understand in a room full of strangers, and I know how happy they're going to be that they did it.
I am so thankful to the owners of Zen Yoga in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua for putting together such a beautiful studio with such a warm, inviting and passionate staff. Six months ago, after ten years of battling a heavy addiction problem, I found myself in this little beach town in southwestern Nicaragua in search of sobriety, long-lost physical fitness and general peace of mind. Yoga, like running, becomes a lifestyle.
Thank you to the passionate team of people who have made each of my visits to Zen Yoga a new learning experience in my life. My time with you guys has assisted me in finding my peace, joy and inner strength.
Life is a joy once you learn to breathe through the uncomfortable moments. Find out for yourself. Go sign up for a yoga class today. Some studios offer your first session free! For a "homemade" twist, follow along to your favorite yoga practice on YouTube. Below is a video that I like to practice along with, for free, at home.
Dave Trent
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